
Dear reader: indeed, you are dear to me. Even though I don’t know your face, but you have still taken your time to click your way here even if you may be exhausted after a long day of stumbling upon words, spoken or written. Hopefully my words will be less of a pain and more of a joy to your heart.  My blog started mainly as a corner to share my interest in art in all its forms (writing, reading, painting, poetry, film-making, music) but I have started to integrate more of the modern world via posting about gaming. I am not sure if this fits in this blog. I have done it only twice. I don’t want to get too random with my topics. Though, unfortunately, I am not getting enough comments, responses, and/or suggestions so I know what needs to be changed. What’s good and what’s not enough.  Come sit with me, dear stranger. This is as good as any other place for a telepathic rendezvous, so I am happy that you are here. You may wonder where the title of my blog is from. To be honest, I don’t know. But maybe it is the things that we don’t really think too much about are what seem to work well most of the times. Though, one thing I know pretty well for sure and that’s the origins of this blog’s core, and it’s from this quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.”

Written February 12, 2010 when I decided I should create a blog. Edited on July 4, 2013 and added after experiencing several failing attempts at keeping up blogs before this one.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. you have a unique about me page… i like it!


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